

Note: You can create a game without a player

What is a player?

A player is any thing that can interact with the end user to create a more rich game experience. For the most part a player is the person playing the game and the player contains data that can help you build a game that requires less game states and is more interactive.

Key Concepts


Player ID

A player id is something that identifies a player. Note: This must be unique, no two players should ever share the same ID


An attribute is any basic information about your player. Attributes should be data about the player. Some examples of attributes would be the following: DisplayName: players display name, Max Health: How much health a player can have, Current Health: How much health a player currently has, etc.

Creating an attribute

Player Attribute

  • Attribute Name - The name of your attribute.
  • Attribute Description - A description about the attribute.
  • Type
    • Word - A word that is associated with the attribute. A common example of a word based attribute would be DisplayName.
    • Number - A number is any whole number associated with the attribute. A common example of a number based attribute would be MaxHealth.
    • Decimal - A number that is either a whole or decimal number. A common example of a decimal based attribute would be Currency.
    • True/False - Anything that is or is not about the player. A common example of a True/False based attribute would be IsDead.


A characteristic is any basic information about how your player appears. Characteristics should rarely be used as data about a player. Instead you can think about characteristics as things that help describe your player. Some examples of characteristics would be the following: HairColor: The player hair color, SkinColor: The players skin color, Height: The players height, etc.

Creating a Characteristic

Player Characteristic

  • Characteristic Name - The name of your characteristic
  • Characteristic Description - A description about the characteristic
  • Type
    • Word - A word that is associated with the characteristic. A common example of a word based characteristic would be HairColor
    • Number - A number is any whole number associated with the characteristic. A common example of a number based characteristic would be Height
    • Decimal - A number that is either a whole or decimal number.
    • True/False - Anything that is or is not about the player. A common example of a True/False based characteristic would be IsMale.

Body Parts

A body part is any appendage to a player. For the most part body parts are used to equip items to

Creating a Body Part

Player Body Part

  • Body Part Name - The name of the body part
  • Body Part Description - A description about the body part
  • Characteristics - All characteristics to assoicate with this body part


An inventory is a collection of items and their amounts that a player has.


A item is anything a player has. Items can be equiped to body parts, but they do not have to be equiped at all.

Creating an Item

Player Item

  • Item Name - The name of the item.
  • Item Description - A description about the item.
  • Properties - All properties to assoicate with this item.


A property is any data about an item. You can think of a property being the same thing to an item as a attribute is to a player.

Creating a Property

  • Property Name - The name of your property
  • Property Description - A description about the property
  • Type
    • Word - A word that is associated with the property. A common example of a word based property would be DisplayName.
    • Number - A number is any whole number associated with the property. A common example of a number based property would be HPUP.
    • Decimal - A number that is either a whole or decimal number. A common example of a decimal based property would be Currency.
    • True/False - Anything that is or is not about the item. A common example of a True/False based property would be IsBreakable.


Equipment is a mapping of body part to item. A body part may only have one item equipped to it at a time.